Saturday, August 1, 2009

Should I get my hair cut? Look at this...?

I quite like having long hair. But I get bored easily. So I've had my hair at the length I like it for a few months, and fancy a change. I'm thinking of getting it cut. Problem is, I know I'll probably just want to grow it again afterwards.

I'm struggling with this idea as funny as that sounds. Here's some pics of what I look like now and what I look like with shorter hair. p.s. I understand if you think I'm vain :)

Longer hair -

With shorter hair....

Should I get my hair cut? Look at this...?

You seem to be have a full head of hair so you dont have to worry about having short or long hair.

It looks like your hair looks good either way. Good thing about cutting your hair is that it always grows back. So its all about your preference and if you have anything coming up in the next few months that would hinder you having a grow out phase. Pictures, job interviews, etc....

Should I get my hair cut? Look at this...?

Yes get your hair cut you`ll be amazed at how hansome and cleaner you will look ....Merry xmas

Should I get my hair cut? Look at this...?

Well u should keep it long but cut one half and get the short half curly and blue with pink highlights

Should I get my hair cut? Look at this...?

yikes cut your hair!!! or at least invest in styling gel and a brush

Should I get my hair cut? Look at this...?


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