I had shoulder length dark brown hair and ive had it cut into a nice crop, what do you prefer.
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long hair
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Almost every man alive prefers long hair to short hair
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long hair!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
The question is what do you prefer? As long as you are happy....that`s all that matters.
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long Hair or Short Hair?
short hair a crop shows of the face aslong as youre good looking youll b fine
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long Hair - My hair was half way down my back and then last year after I got married I decided to cut it short. It has now been a long process trying to grow it back out. The thing I hate about short hair is that you can not pull it back in a pony tail when you just want to run somewhere or go workout.
Long Hair or Short Hair?
long hair looks sooo nice all men LOOOOOOOOVES long hair because of my long hair i have 10 boy friends trust Me!!!!!!!!!!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Its depend what do you prefer..but also its depend of the age that you are..until 30 35 ish..will be fine long but after mmm no I prefer short
Long Hair or Short Hair?
women with short hair are very sexy !
Long Hair or Short Hair?
i think long hair but only if u look after it
Long Hair or Short Hair?
I can honestly say that I would only ask that question from someone who can actually see you. Your face shape and hair texture has alot to do with it all as well. Thats why some people can wear certain styles and look great while the same style on someone else looks horrible. Please ask a friend or family member for their opinion. Whatever you decide, remember, its only hair and it will grow back!! Good luck!!!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long Hair or Short Hair?
ok um shoulder
Long Hair or Short Hair?
long hair
Long Hair or Short Hair?
I like short or long hair on women, as long as you are happy with it good for you!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long, let it grow. Most hair-dressers are only interested in cutting your hair because it makes a dramatic change which makes them look good. Generally better than their client!
Long is best, find a good hair-dresser that that can handle long hair and stick with them.
(Don't listen to me mind, you probably look gorgeous with a sexy crop)
Long Hair or Short Hair?
long hair!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
i like long hair, but if you like your cut, stick with it!!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long hair is nicest but if you want to be fashionable then the bob is in.
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Short and sassy to shape the face, boosts self confidence and there's nothing sexier.
Have fun.
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long hair - harder to maintain but the benefits of having long hair outweighs this problem.
Its makes a woman look more femine
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Short hair but not too short shoulder length is nice and easy to manage!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
long hair actually is good ...its good looking u know?
Long Hair or Short Hair?
whatever u like thats what counts here, but i have long hair and im thinking of having it cut :(
Long Hair or Short Hair?
I'm 21 and my boyfriend liked my accidental* super short hair so much that he offered to pay for the next 3 appointments! I love the cropped style because my flippy wave has emerged and it is so shiny now (plus easy to style). He loves it, I love it, everyone wins!
*I had shoulder length hair, went for a trim, lost 4 inches (!!!) got a refund (cried), went to another salon, and got adorable crop cut.
Long Hair or Short Hair?
I recently went from long hair (well past my shoulders) to a really short elfin cut and got loads of compliments. My next door neighbour told her husband she did not want him near me!
I just wish they had told me I am a dork with long hair sooner!
Long Hair or Short Hair?
I Like Long Hair,
But It's What You Like No One Else
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