Thursday, October 8, 2009

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

I have a 14 year old son, who has long hair, I,ve begged pleaded even offered money, but he wont go get it cut, I even offered to do it myself, I think he think,s he look,s good, and let me tell ya it look,s like crap! He does,nt even take care of it, also keep in mind, I have joint custody of him with his father, so therefore his dad has alot of push in this department, but guess what? his dad think,s it,s ok, it,s just a stage and he will out grow it, I know when I was a kid and my parent,s told me what to do, it was done, no questions asked, but our kid,s in this day and age are different, they have so much more power and control, who,s fault is it? mine and ours, should I lay down the law and become more of a back in the day parent or just do as his dad say,s and just wait it out? Any good advise would help.

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

I'd be happy that this is my biggest concern and I'd let it go. The more you harp, the longer it will take for him to cut it and he may end up being more annoyed with you until then if anything. If he thinks he looks good, isn't that all that matters? I'm sure you have bigger things with a teen to worry about. I would however put in the effort to teach him proper hygiene. If you approached him by saying, "I'm no longer going to bug you about cutting your hair, because I realise that you're 14 and you can choose your own hair cut, but I would like to help you take care of it". Then provide him with some cool masculine shampoo and a brush. Encourage him to take care of his hair and if he puts in any effort, comment on how much better he looks. A lot of teens have long hair these days and your son likely feels better having his hair long. If you wait it out, it will hopefully pass faster than you think it might. 14 is a huge time for developing autonomy and fighting for control. Don't finght over the hair, give control in that area, but don't in areas that jeopardise his safety. Focus on issues like curfew, substance use, girls, safe sex, being respectful, earning good grades, etc. Good luck.

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

It's the style. ^^

Don't cut it, girls find it attractive.

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

at night walk into his room and cut chunk of it off, then tell him it looks better, he will be begging for a haircutt after that

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

gah! i was like that just because a girl liked it, so that made me keep it, speak to him about it or...

just have him get a style to it

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

If long hair is the only thing you have against your kid, then let it go. And, maybe you don't like it, but I'm sure many people do. It is the style these days. My husband has long, awesome red hair, and his parents never approved. They said no one would ever take him seriously. Well, he makes video games now and makes a very good living. Times have changed. Not everything has to be so formal anymore. If you think he isn't keeping up with it well enough, insist he shower more.

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

It's just hair. It's not hurting anyone. You need to let him be a 14-year old and find himself. Sometimes changing your hair is a way a 14-year old feels like they have more independence. This sounds like it has more to do with your ex husband and you than it does with your son's hair. You would like to win and disagree with your ex husband. It seems like a power or control issue with your ex husband. Let it go. If your son is getting bad grades at school, then put your foot down. If your son is doing drugs, then put your foot down. You should feel lucky it is just a hair problem. It could be worse, so let it go.

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

well, he is gonna have to learn that you are the boss. my parents are really free with the rules about my hair. i mean, it has to look nice, but i mean, it can be funky and short or super long and preppy. as long as i dont look homeless. but i have to follow certain rules with my hair and everything else. your son needs to know that he HAS to obey you. it doesnt matter if he is going through a stage, he still has to obey his parents. you should make him get his hair cut. thats like if his room is messy, and u want it clean, u MAKE himclean it, you dont say he can keep it messy while he is in "that stage" ...what u say goes at this point, and he can get over it. thats coming from a 14 year old too, so yeah... it starts with a haircut and ends with ages he thinks he should date and have sex...sorry, but its true.

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

Honestly, leave him alone. He's only 14 and is just going through a phase. He knows you want it cut so he chooses otherwise. Let him be himself, and figure out who he is. Show him how to take care of it, and just make sure that he keeps it neat - I guess you can always threaten to chop it off if he doesn't take proper care of it. Just leave him alone. It's not like he's refusing to go to school or's just hair.

14 year old wont get a hair cut?

i love long hair on a boy. its so attractive.

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